A language professional and a NeanderPunk with hopes, fears and opinions just like anybody else. Here’s a few:
– I hope they never name a disease after me.
– I hope to make it to a hundred and twenty, under the condition that I don’t outlive my progeny.
– In case there is reincarnation I would very much like be sent back in 2,000 years, 10,000 years and a million years to see what the humanity and the planet have been up to.
– I love people, animals, plants and nature overall, and accordingly, I have friends, pets, a garden and a biodiversity park and I’m very proud of them all.
– I honestly believe that, all things considered and kept in perspective, Slovenia is a great country and probably one of the best in the world to live in.
– I haven’t met many stupid people in my life and I’m not sure there are all that common. Everyone’s smart for something.
– The instant I heard about the Darwin Awards I knew I was a serious contender. I’m the three Cs: curious, creative and clumsy. Best not left unattended 😀